Trigger-happy America. The shame of the developed world.

In the West, we're constantly riding on our moral high-horse. How barbaric the Islamic world is and how brutal are those Africans. We of course don't see that those instances are reactionary to our meddling and we don't see that actually, we're just as barbaric. Nothing illustrates this more than the spate of shootings in America.

I don't want to mention the Charleston gunman's name. Talking about him, publishing his manifesto and bombarding us with his image is playing into his hands. He wants fame and notoriety. Did no one the in press read We Need To Talk About Kevin?

Obama himself said that these mass killings simply don't happen in other advanced countries. Yet, fresh off the back of Charleston, there has been another shooting. This time on a basketball court in Detroit.

You could call for stricter gun control, but other countries have similar gun laws and they don't go around killing people willy-nilly.

Since America entered WWII, they've become increasingly bloodthirsty. Perhaps it's because they came in when the war was pretty much done, so they only got a taster. We all know they over play their part in that, so perhaps it gives them a false sense of power. What we do know, everywhere America has meddled, every war it's started has ended in disaster.

They may love violence and if we're going by body count alone, they're very good. If we're judging by strategy, then they suck. Really suck. Not so much a military nation, more like a liberal ISIS.

In this specific case, the guy was nothing short of a racist. He's a fascist, no better than Hitler. We shouldn't be sugar-coating it with 'mental health' issues or his actions were down to him being intoxicated. The boy is evil, brought up in a country that thinks it's ok to kill and in an environment that's deeply ignorant and in-bred. That's all the dissection you need.

If America wants to stop kids shooting kids, perhaps it needs to start with stopping police from shooting blacks and the government from killing Arabs. Stop the culture of shoot first think later or solving problems with violence. Only the authorities can lead by example - gun control will only paper the cracks.

First published 21/06/2015


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