The relationship predictor

I have a pretty good track-record when it comes to predicting the longevity, or not, of relationships. But before you rally the villagers and hand them pitchforks, this isn't witchcraft but pure observation.

You can tell a lot about relationships just watching how two people interact. Sure, relationships change with circumstance and time, but there are certain factors that don't change. And that's what you need to look out for.

A couple, previously publicly affectionate stop interacting as much. This is the more obvious warning sign that things are starting to fail. When a person suddenly changes at the beginning of the relationship, this spells doom. A unsuitable coupling will always have stilted interaction and this will eventually unravel, as the difference increase the gulf between them.

Even when a situation seems settled, the subtle - almost negligible - warnings are there. Does one party flirt with others, do they attempt to scold each other and are there under-breath mutterings of a negative nature. All these may seem like normal couple behaviour, afterall you can't be expected to the best of friends all the time. However, do these things in public and what you have a pretty strong hint that cracks are a lot bigger. And perhaps even irreparable.

Next time you're out, observe interactions with a Sherlock type precision. Is the truth disguised as a joke? Is the distance indicative of the cracks? Is the polarisation starting to jar?

You don't need to be Freud to diagnose it, but you do need to be a microscope to see it.

First published 09/05/2015


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